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Linuo Ritter wins a second national prize


On June 24, the National Science and Technology Award Conference was held in Beijing. The project Key Technologies of High-Efficient Supply of Multi-grade Thermal Energy Generated Through Air Source Heat Pump and their Applications co-developed by Linuo Ritter and Shanghai Jiao Tong University was awarded a second prize of National Science and Technology Progress.

Big temperature lifts were challenging for the mechanical parts of air source heat pumps and their lubrication during operation. To accommodate the thermal demand for industrial use, Linuo Ritter team developed the innovative semi-cascade air source heat pump system for big temperature lifts through which the water will be heated to the middle temperature range and then directly flashed into steam. The new system can produce an output temperature up to 150 , with a COP (coefficient of performance) of 1.85, i.e. it consumes only half of the electricity when compared with a conventional electrical boiler.

Another highlight is the small temperature difference terminal which consists of numerous small diameter copper tubes and corrugated aluminum fins. These tubes and fins can enhance the user experience with higher efficiency of heat exchange and lower noise during heating and cooling.

These new technologies can help utilize a wider range of air source thermal energy, enhance the thermal supply efficiency and broaden industrial applications.



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